Tuesday 21 July 2015

What I Wear To Work

 The sun has been hiding behind the clouds and trust me I'm not complaining, the heat is way reduced and the weather has been blissful.

I'm so excited about today's post and yes I teased the picture on Twitter and Instagram @gehnuywhine and @ohahanyohe respectively. There's this article series in the ASOS Magazine entitled What I Wear To Work featuring amazing young professionals and their extremely stylish work clothes, those articles inspired me to write this post. So lets get started,

Erm... I look out my window and look as Nigerian's make their way to work and yes I have seen some outrageous things but when I see professionals like when I visit the Bank, seriously its like a sea of BLACK, GREY and NAVY (sorry for the shouting capitals). Yes I know Black is my favourite colour and I love the different shades of Grey and Navy I'm a little iffy about, but really though why can't Work clothes be a little more fun and a lot more stylish.

I know I haven't told you guys yet that in the last couple of months I registered my business with the Corporate Affairs Commission and I had a meeting with a representative of amazing dress designer JOVANI and became a licensed retailer for JOVANI. Thus, Style by Ohaha my special events dress store was born. Style by Ohaha is a specialized shopping experience. email dresses@stylebyohaha  for a personalised shopping experience...

 So here are a couple of pictures of What I Wear To Work.

Here's a list of the outfit:

Pants are ASOS


Can I just say how in love I am with the dusty blue of the pants and the basket detail of the shoes at a certain whimsy and so does the KEKE NAPEP in the background.....

Tweet at me and instagram me pictures of what you wear to work using #reggandregina #whatiweartowork . can't wait to see them.....



  1. Beautiful

  2. Thanks doll. sorry been m.i.a . i would love to see what you wear to work. email me.
