Friday 18 July 2014

Are You a Reggie or a Regina?

Women, Girls are layered creatures. Unlike men we are not one dimensional. That is the same way we are with our sense of style; layered, multidimensional. No woman is one thing and it reflects in her style choices.
A woman can be rocker chic, and also preppy chick. She can be a southern belle, while she is a tomboy. She can be bohemian and also Bahamas chic.
Welcome to Reggie and Regina that accepts all your dimensions and layers and even appreciates your mix and your uniqueness.
To our question Who is Reggie and Regina. Welllll Reggie and Regina aren't fixed people. Reggie and Regina could be anyone and anyone could be Reggie and Regina.
Here's what I think Reggie could be. Reggie could be: a rocker chic, a tomboy, a skater chic etc.
Regina could be: a southern belle, preppy chic and even bohemian.
Those are just some of my thoughts send me your take on who you think a Reggie could be and  Regina could be to
New Question: ARE YOU A REGGIE OR A REGINA? send me pictures of yourself  explaining if you are a Reggie or a Regina also to
I think I'm both a Reggie and a Regina and I have proof check out the pictures below. Tell me what you think.  
Love you  R/Rs. 
                                                                                                           Yours Sincerely,


Tuesday 15 July 2014


Dear lovelies.
Hi I am Creaky oh and yeah that's like my nickname.

This is an introductory post. welcome to the world of Reggie and Regina.  Who are Reggie and Regina you might ask? Well that you'll find out in my next post , till then <3